First of all, some good news!  I would like to thank Knucklehead Guitar strings showing some faith in me an endorsing me, I'm very excited to be working with them!!!

And now the bad...

Due to unforseen problems, "Christmas Favorites" will be released later then expected.  At the VERY latest, they will in my hands on Dec 16.  I'm very upset with the dealings that I had with the original company that was going to make the album, and had to switch companies today.  There were issues with the artwork, and I emailed the original company and it took them over a week to respond to me.  I know we'll be getting it a lot later then hoped for, but still, hopefully it will be here soon enough to be enjoyed by all of you this Christmas!
Hey guys, here's whats going on right now.  As some of you know, So Far From Fine was due to be released a month or so ago and its still not here!  Here's the reason, I've been planning a Christmas album and decided that it should come out first, since Christmas is right around the corner.  I've entitled it "Christmas Favorites" and it involves some of my favorite (and hopefully yours as well) Christmas songs.  I've finished it up and I placed an order for them this morning and they will be in around December 1, and will be available at Accent Music.  

I was planning on having some friends of mine play on the album, but due to my extreme procrastination and time constraints, I was unable to do so.  However, I think that So Far From Fine will become that album.  There are a few songs that I'm not happy with anymore, so next on the agenda is to re-record them and have some friends jam with me on them.  As this gets closer, I'll let you all know more.  

Until then, I'm very excited to have you all hear this, as I've worked very hard on it!  I hope you all have a very happy thanksgiving and enjoy your friends and family!  Thanks again! 


By the way, the album cover and track listing are in the Discography Section.