This is the Original Facebook announcement. More Info will follow!! Well Ladies and Gentleman, I have officialy ordered my new CD "SO FAR FROM FINE"!!!! I have been writing/recording/producing this thing since 2009 (before i even started at ACCENT!!) and it's finally finished!!!! I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me along the way! Chris Smith, Though I've had to light a fire under you to get you to record, the record wouldn't be the same without you!... Caitlin Harkey, Thank you for all of your hard work and patience in the designing process, you did a great Job and I'm very proud of the finished product! Drew Keane and Christopher Horne, thanks for helping me progress as a player over the last several years, I've enjoyed every minute of it! And thanks for Accent Music for providing all the gear :) They will be $8 and look for a September 1, 2012 release date!!!
Hey guys, here's whats going on right now. As some of you know, So Far From Fine was due to be released a month or so ago and its still not here! Here's the reason, I've been planning a Christmas album and decided that it should come out first, since Christmas is right around the corner. I've entitled it "Christmas Favorites" and it involves some of my favorite (and hopefully yours as well) Christmas songs. I've finished it up and I placed an order for them this morning and they will be in around December 1, and will be available at Accent Music.
I was planning on having some friends of mine play on the album, but due to my extreme procrastination and time constraints, I was unable to do so. However, I think that So Far From Fine will become that album. There are a few songs that I'm not happy with anymore, so next on the agenda is to re-record them and have some friends jam with me on them. As this gets closer, I'll let you all know more.
Until then, I'm very excited to have you all hear this, as I've worked very hard on it! I hope you all have a very happy thanksgiving and enjoy your friends and family! Thanks again!
By the way, the album cover and track listing are in the Discography Section.
Hey guys, haven't written on here for a while. I've been busy with school and work and haven't been able to get any significant work done on SFFF in a little bit. It will be out soon, I'm just waiting on a few more things (final edits in the recordings, mastering, mixing, etc.) I will keep you updated, though. Until then, check out my youtube to listen to some of my covers!!!
hey guys! I haven't written on here for a few days, so I thought that I would let you guys know whats going on. As usual, i'm running a little bit behind on the production of SFFF and I have to push it back until mid September. School has been keeping me pretty busy and I haven't had the time to put everything together yet, so hopefully this will be last pushback.
Having said that, I think it's going to be worth the wait! I'm still working on editing a few tracks and I think the edits are really making the album a lot stronger!
I've also thought about the song meanings a bit, and I've decided that I'm not going to be giving away any more of the meanings. I feel like every song means something different to someone, and I would feel pretty bad if some of my favorite artists came out and said that their songs meant something different than what I thought they meant. So, I gave 2, but you'll have to figure out the rest on your own. Thankfully, my writing isn't overly cryptic and you should be able to figure at least some of them out. However, i'm always going to be open to giving hints!!
Also, Clayton is very generously sending out some goodies like t-shirts and such, so I'm planning on giving a few away to work and saving a few for giveaways at the CD release party (once I finally release this thing!!!!!). I also recently received my custom picks recently (I can't remember whether or not i mentioned this before), and i'm really enjoying them!
I plan on updating pretty frequently, so I'll keep you guys up to date with what's going on!! Just keep an eye out!
It's that time again! "Let the Rest Fall Behind" is the 1st track off of SFFF. This song is pretty simple and straight forward in it's message. Simply put, it's about someone who is just 100% out for themselves, though they actually put on the facade of "doing good" for others. It's about someone who is so out for themselves that they are willing to leave others behind in order to achieve their self centered goals, and you can't take it anymore. When I wrote this song, I felt that this was a relevant topic to write about because it certainly is something I, and a lot of other people, have dealt with in their lives.
Tomorrows Song: "Here's My Life"
hey guys! just wanted to let you all know that last night I went back and rerecorded "All For Love." It was originally intended to be an acoustic song, but having played it electrically for the past few days, I decided that I liked it that way. So, I completely started from square one and had my brother Chris play some drums for me. I really like the way it turned out and I feel that it will make the Album a lot stronger. So, having heard the way it turned out, I may be rerecording/editing a few others. However, I will be sending out for it by the end of this week, so it won't change the release time at all.
Also, I wanted to start talking about what each song means to me. For the next 11 days I'll be posting a bit about what each song means to me and once the album is released, it will make a little bit more sense to you.
I'll start with "All For Love," since I was already on the subject. This song, to me, symbolizes a lot of hardship and heartache involved in loving someone. At its core, it talks about how sometimes you have to push yourself so hard to be something for someone and they don't see it and end up ignoring it. They sometimes try to change you to fit them and their needs and don't even realize that you already are giving everything you have to make it work. Even after doing all these things, its just can't work and in the end it just isn't worth it to you at all and you have to move on.
Hey! I'm preparing to send in an order for SFFF early this week, which means its going to be here around mid-ish august!!!! I'm very excited and I hope you all are too!!!
I haven't decided where or when i'm going to have the release party (though I have a few ideas!), but chances are i'm going to do like a sale type thing. I'm planning on doing "You're Not Alone" for $6 and maybe SFFF will be $8 instead of the $10 it will be the next day. I'm also thinking about doing a combo deal, maybe $12 for the pair. Maybe even some give aways!!
if you want to stay updated, check out my facebook and twitter!! Thanks!!!
Hey guys! Last night i finished up the site, so it's going to look like this for a while! Also, I released the cover art and track listing to SFFF last night. Its available to view on the Discography section of the site. Please let me know what you guys think! I finished up my facebook page last night, so if you get a chance, please like it!! more thing, Follow me on Twitter!!! Aaron
Hey everyone! As of Today, I'm endorsed by Steve Clayton, Inc. and I'm very excited to be working with them. So, first of all, I would like to thank them for their support! Secondly, putting the finishing touches on the New CD, "So Far From Fine," which I'm very excited to share with you guys. All the recordings/mixing/mastering/graphics are done, and believe me when I say, this has been a long 2 1/2 years! Looking for a late August, early september release, so keep an eye out!